The Impala Skate Blog 10 October 2024 4 min read

Wheels Of Wellness 🛼 It’s World Mental Health Day!

Wheels Of Wellness 🛼 It’s World Mental Health Day!
We all know skating is the ultimate mood booster, so we caught up with Cam, an Impala skate girly, to chat about how skating has brought peace to her body, mind and soul…

How long have you been skating, and what drew you to it?
I started skating in 2020, when lockdown hit. Like many people at the time, I started looking for ways to fill my time with things that brought me joy as a kid before life started getting busy—I picked up ice skating, painting, and baking, but rollerskating really stuck. I'd been eyeing some blue and yellow skates (Impala's!) for some time, and I got them for myself for my birthday, lol. I started searching for videos on Instagram because I knew that I wanted to be really intentional about how I felt while skating. From the start, it wasn’t just about fitness for me; I wanted to feel amazing while doing it. So I try to make each skate special, wearing outfits that make me feel good, and usually treat myself to a coffee or smoothie afterward. What draws me to skating is the sense of freedom it brings, there's nothing better than putting on my favourite song and gliding, feeling wind on my face (sounds so cheesy, but it's true!). Skating is my mood booster!

Can you remember the moment when you realized that skating was helping with your mental health?
I realized skating was truly supporting my mental health when I lost a close friend to cancer. The news was devastating, and being in a different city for work, away from family and friends, made it even harder. To cope, I began spending my evenings at a nearby outdoor rink, skating as the sun set. The rhythm of movement became my escape, allowing me to process my grief and reflect on my emotions in a way nothing else could. Since that moment, skating has become my go-to whenever I feel overwhelmed or weighed down by life. It's become my instinctive way to find peace amidst the chaos.

In what ways has skating had a positive impact on your mental health and well-being? 
I’m so thankful for skating because it can be done socially at a roller rink with friends, it's a great date night idea, or it can be enjoyed solo at my local outdoor rink, and it’s truly become a staple in my routine to manage my mental health. Though I love to share skating with others, it’s really just for me. I find that I can often get lost in scrolling social media, and intentionally making time to skate can sometimes feel hard, but once I’m gliding, I’m so happy to be disconnected, and I try to make a point of thanking myself for taking the time for me. It’s also helped me because I think regularly in my career and other activities I’m quite a high achiever. I like to be really good at tasks really quickly. But I remind myself often that I skate for enjoyment and release, not for excellence or perfection. Having this space to just BE and not ACHIEVE takes a lot of pressure away, and I meet myself with grace and not judgement. 

What would you say to someone who’s curious about starting rollerskating to boost their mental health?
I understand how it can seem intimidating to start roller skating, because falling is inevitable! I’m by no means an expert, and that’s part of the journey! I had to learn not to compare myself to anyone online or elsewhere. Skating is an activity that has become so personal to me and I think, though it can be done in social settings, it’s been a saving grace for me when I need quiet time… Now, gliding on skates in a loop immediately puts me in a flow state. Mentally, I go to a place where I can focus inward while still being so aware of my surroundings, present in my body for balance and maintaining speed. I find myself subtly (or not so subtly) dancing or singing to the music I’m listening to, giving myself verbal affirmations or letting my mind wander. If you’re curious, let it lead you to roller skating, it’s a gift that I give to myself and often the highlight of my day!

How many friends have you encouraged to try skating, and how did it go?
This summer, I started to frequently post myself rollerskating on my Instagram. At first, I was nervous and experienced imposter syndrome - I’m not an expert and I don’t know how to do the amazing skilled tricks like some of the skaters I follow… but I was shocked at how many of my friends (and strangers) were intrigued. I started having great conversations in my DMs and in person about some people’s hesitations to start (don’t have skates, they are scared to fall or get hurt, they wish they had time to skate, etc.). I usually gush about how roller skating can be challenging to learn, it can be scary to feel like you’re going to fall, I have to intentionally find and make the time - but nothing beats the joyful feeling of building speed, gliding and swooping across pavement. It makes me feel strong and stable in my body. 

A quick story: I was roller-skating one day about 2 years ago, and I was stopped by a father and his 8-year-old daughter, she said she loooooved my skates. The dad said that it was so cool to see a Black woman roller skating and that I was a great example to his daughter (they are also Black), he said "representation matters! Keep skating!" That made my day <3Â